Peggy Pritchard
Fleming, OH 45729
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Seedling 17-772cc is by far my favorite for 2017 - 6.5" bloom with great shape that displays its amazing color change like a pro. This is out of sdlg 14-891cc and I have plenty of seeds from it to explore the possibilities!
After 3 years of trying to get my attention, this color changer certainly has it.
*Never have I seen a color changer wait 3 yrs to show a color change.
*Never have I seen a color changer change on one day but not the next.
*Never have I seen one change partially and not the whole bloom.
In addition, this one starts as pink and changes to a blue/grey and stays that way for the rest of the day.
This one bloomed for the 1st time in 2014 - nothing exciting and not showing any signs of changing.
Last summer I had limited access to the garden with a broken knee, but I did catch one bloom with the pink/red.
This summer surprised me with the bottom 2 photos, just not with every bloom.
2017 UPDATE - This plant was divided and planted in different locations. Only one small clump opted to bloom this summer and there was no color change or spotting to be seen. I suspect that this was isolated to one single fan out of the clump and I'll have to wait until it shows itself again.

Seedling 14-891

Welcome to my world of color changers, also referred to as faders and pigment migration.
It's been several yrs ago when Richard Norris showed me his amazing color change sdlg that later became “Pigment of Imagination”. I was hooked. It's been fun watching my collection of color changer seedlings grow. Some were directly out of “Substantial Evidence”, while others came from a completely different direction. The colors that pass through them are truly incredible. Each one sparks the imagination of what is still yet to come.
Below are some of my most recent seedlings along with some older ones.